Photographic Contest | 50 Year of the European Walking Route E6

The Grča Kočevje Photography Society (organizer), in collaboration with Commission for European Footpaths in Slovenia (KEUPS) and the European Travel Federation (ERA) (sponsors), is announcing a public photography contest: 50 Years of the European Walking Route E6.

Both amateur and professional photographers from around the world are welcome to participate free of charge. The contest is organized in accordance with the rules of the Photographic Association of Slovenia (FZS).  

Each participant may submit a maximum of six color or black-and-white photographs. Only photographs taken on or near any part of the European Walking Route E6 in Europe are eligible.

The content of the photograph does not necessarily need to depict the trail itself, but the photograph must have been taken on or near the route. For example, the photograph may also depict a variety of other subjects, such as the surrounding landscape, people and places near the route, wildlife, flora, landmarks, etc. Only photographs created using photographic equipment are accepted for the contest. Creations made using artificial intelligence (AI/ML) are not allowed. Any photographs that do not meet the contest rules will be disqualified.

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Fotografski natečaj

50 let Evropske pešpoti E6

Fotografsko društvo Grča Kočevje (organizator) v sodelovanju z Komisija za evropske pešpoti v Sloveniji (KEUPS) in Evropska popotniška zveza (ERA) (naročnika) razpisujejo: Javni fotografski natečaj: 50 let Evropske pešpoti E6.

Na natečaju lahko brezplačno sodelujejo tako ljubiteljski kot poklicni fotografi z vsega sveta. Natečaj je organiziran skladno s pravili Fotografske zveze Slovenije (FZS).

Vsak udeleženec lahko sodeluje s po največ šestimi barvnimi ali črno belimi fotografijami. Na natečaju lahko sodelujete le s fotografijami, ki so bile posnete na/ob katerikoli Evropski pešpoti E6 v Evropi.

Vsebina fotografije ni nujno vezana na prikaz same poti, pomembno je, da je fotografija nastala ob/na poti. Primer: Fotografija lahko prikazuje poleg same poti tudi cel spekter ostalih motivov; okoliško pokrajino, ljudi in kraje ob poti, živalski in rastlinski svet, znamenitosti in podobno.

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    27. september 2025


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  • 20 awars | nagrad
  • 1000€ prize money denarnih nagrad
50 Years of the European Walking Route E6  50 let Evropske pešpoti E6Naloži fotografijeUPLOAD

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Fotografsko društvo Grča Kočevje

Komisija za evropske pešpoti v Sloveniji (KEUPS) Evropska popotniška zveza (ERA)

Rožna 39

1330 Kočevje




Fotografsko društvo Grča Kočevje